5 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic

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1. Garlic contains compounds with potent medicinal properties

Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family. It’s closely related to onions, shallots, and leeks. Each segment of a garlic bulb is called a clove. There are about 10–20 cloves in a single bulb, give or take. Garlic grows in many parts of the world and is a popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and delicious taste. However, throughout ancient history, people widely usedTrusted Source garlic for its health and medicinal properties. There is documented evidence of its use by many major civilizationsTrusted Source, including the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and Indians. Scientists now know that most of garlic’s health benefits are due to the formation of sulfur compounds when you chop, crush, or chew a garlic clove. Perhaps the most well-known compound is allicinTrusted Source. However, allicin is an unstable compound that is only briefly present in fresh garlic after you cut or crush it. Other compounds that may play a role in garlic’s health benefits include diallyl disulfideTrusted Source and s-allyl cysteine. The sulfur compounds from garlic enter your body from the digestive tract. They then travel all over your body, exerting strong biological effects.

2. Garlic is highly nutritious but has very few calories

Calorie for calorie, garlic is incredibly nutritious. A single clove (about 3 grams) contains 4.5 caloriesTrusted Source, 0.2 grams of protein, and 1 gram of carbs.

Garlic is a good source of several nutrients, notably:

  • manganese
  • vitamin B6
  • vitamin C
  • selenium
  • fiber
3. Garlic can help protect against illness, including the common cold

Research from 2016 suggests that aged garlic extract (AGE) can boost your immune system. The study found that people who took AGE supplements for 3 months during the cold and flu season experienced less severe symptoms and fewer days missed of school or work. Other research suggests that the compounds in garlic may have antiviral propertiesTrusted Source. In addition to boosting your immune system, it may help prevent viruses from entering host cells or from replicating within your cells.

4. The active compounds in garlic can reduce blood pressure

According to the World Health OrganizationTrusted Source, cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and stroke are responsible for more deaths than almost any other condition. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of the most important factors that may lead to these diseases. A 2020 meta-analysis of studiesTrusted Source found garlic supplements to reduce blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. Researchers linked this effect to a 16–40% reduced risk of experiencing cardiovascular events. The analysis noted that the effect of garlic was similar to some blood pressure medications but with fewer side effects. A 2019 reviewTrusted Source notes that allicin in garlic may limit the production of angiotensin II, a hormone that increases blood pressure. It may also relax your blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily.

5.Garlic is easy to include in your diet and adds flavor

The last one isn’t a health benefit but is still important. Garlic is very easy to include in your current diet. It complements most savory dishes, particularly soups and sauces. The strong taste of garlic can also add a punch to otherwise bland recipes. Garlic comes in several forms, from whole cloves and smooth pastes to powders and supplements like garlic extract and garlic oil. A common way to use garlic is to press a few cloves of fresh garlic with a garlic press, then mix it with extra virgin olive oil and a bit of salt. This works as a very simple and nutritious salad dressing.